Emotions and Thoughts

I fear the creeks and sounds at night that don’t sound right, I fear of cancer and I hope I don’t get cancer or anyone I now does, epically that ones that really count my family.

I fear those sounds at night where it’s like your not alone, and you look outside and you see a face even though it was just a tree. I’m afraid that someone is going to break in and that lights need to be on, so it looks like I’m always awake and that I sleep in the day.

I’m afraid of being caught when I’m walking around and someone just snatches me and steals me. I fear that when I do stuff I’m not suppose to that I’ll get I trouble and just fell so bad.

Favorite Place

My favorite place to go in my neighborhood as a kid is just a simple tree, but it’s not just any tree it’s an acorn tree. It’s one of the best trees there is you get pick acorns and just have fun with the acorns, after we pick the acorns we go back home and my sister uses them for rewards and I sometimes use the Acorns yo peg my sister when she is mean to me. Those acorns were like me and my sisters golden nuggets but those acorns I love, there so cool and I just get to pick them off a tree and the acorns on the ground